Origin Systems #5

Games developed: 30 Games published: 25 Period: 1986 - 2005
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Although now a "household" name as far as computer games are concerned, before Origin rocketed to fame and fortune with the Wing Commander and Ultima series, the company produced a lot of quality, less-known RPGs for the Commodore 64 and early PCs that are each memorable in its own way. (The description of exactly how they are memorable is provided below with each game). From space epics to medieval hack-and-slash, post-apocalyptic era, oriental motif and beyond, Origin certainly knows how to turn diverse material into eminently playable RPGs. Origin was founded in 1983 by Richard Garriott, a.k.a. "Lord British," and since then has produced more than 60 highly acclaimed titles. Development continues at ORIGIN for Internet-only products. The first of those was Ultima Online and its follow-up, Ultima Online: The Second Age. Ultima Online , the industry’s most successful and profitable online-only game, today allows thousands of people to play simultaneously in a persistent fantasy world and currently has 150,000 active player accounts. The company became a subsidiary of Electronic Arts in 1995. Note: at the request of Steve Jackson Games, all material pertaining to two Origin games based on SJ Games licenses Autoduel and Ogre have been removed from this site. Please contact Steve Jackson Games directly if you would like to buy these two PC classics. - Origin has created the Ultima Web Archive - good source of information about their flagship series. Features exceptional maps.
- The Ultima Dragons - Internet Chapter - the most comprehensive fan site for all things Ultima: maps, screenshots, alkthroughs, and other Ultima-related information that borders on the anal-retentive :)
- Visit Micro Dragon's Home Page for an *incredible* amount of Ultima-related information. He might actually have more Ultima-related files (Windows themes, fonts, maps, you name it) than Origin. A must visit for every Ultima fan.
Related companies: Electronic Arts, Looking Glass Technologies, Raven Software
Related companies: Electronic Arts Looking Glass Technologies Raven Software