Argonaut Software #19

Games developed: 11 Games published: 0 Period: 1986 - 1997
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In one of the most heavily publicized episode in computer gaming history that would later have far-reaching impact, small but cash-flushed Spectrum Holobyte bought the ailing strategy and flight-sim giant MicroProse in 1993. Before the buyout, one of the most obvious strategic mistakes that Microprose made during that period was the deluge of games it released to the unsuspecting public. Many excellent games in this crop failed to attract public attention simply because the market was already saturated with games or, to be more precise, most gamers were still attempting to find all the nuances of Civilization, a Sid Meier masterpiece released in 1990. [ As an interesting anecdote, here's the reason behind the fall of Microprose and how Microprose UK fit in the debacle, according to an industry insider: "Microprose US was losing money hand over fist because of their ill-judged venture into arcade machines (a fighter plane sim). Microprose UK had always made a profit. The sale of Microprose to Specturm Holobyte was largely Bill Stealey's own decision because he had a majority shareholding - so when he sold his shares to Spectrum Holobyte the company changed hands. Sid Meier was mighty miffed, by all accounts. Incidently, X-COM was nearly cancelled twice during development - once during cutbacks at Microprose UK when a number of projects were cancelled, and then for a second time when Holobyte took over." ] Related companies: Hasbro, Spectrum Holobyte, Interactive Magic, MicroPlay, SimTex, Paragon Software, Rainbird, Particle Systems, Software Sorcery, Take 2 Interactive, Prism Leisure, Random Games, Firaxis, Edcom
Related companies: Hasbro Spectrum Holobyte Interactive Magic MicroPlay SimTex Paragon Software