Avalon Hill #3

Games developed: 27 Games published: 30 Period: 1981 - 2005
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Microprose, without a doubt, is one of the top strategy game companies today. Among the best games the company published-- alongside Civilizationand Pirates! are 3 innovative strategy games that implement Alan Emrich's "4X" principles (eXplore, eXpand, eXterminate, and eXcellence) to perfection: Master of Orion 1 & 2 and Master of Magic. Curiously enough, the developer of these games never became very well known despite the fact that they deservedly sold very well in stores and received glowing reviews from the press.This page, therefore, is born in hope that inimitable Steve Barcia and his company SimTex will finally get the recognition they deserve for these outstanding games. The strongest point of SimTex games is the amazing computer AI, which is not only shrewd but, in contast to most strategy games, does not cheat: computer players do not start out with more resources than you do. The combination of this AI with great strategic depth, good interface, and cool backstory results in truly classic games that are almost infinitely replayable and will stand the test of time for years to come. - SimTex seems to have quietly disappeared from the industry. The latest game the company was working on, Guardians: Agents of Justice, was in development for over 6 years (the game made all the "top 10 vaporware" lists in game magazines), but was never released. You can read the preview at OGR
- You could also download Starlord, a little-known precursor to Master of Orion, from the Starlord page at MOO3 official site.
Related companies: MicroProse, Avalon Hill
Related companies: MicroProse Avalon Hill