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Game #2488
RON2 1/2: Fowl Play    View all Real Dogs in this genreCollection: Amateur Adventures
Adventure   Traditional third-person

Rating: 6.85 (14 votes)

RON2 1/2: Fowl Play box cover

RON2 1/2: Fowl Play screenshot
The Reality-on-the-Norm (RON) games are a series of short games started by some AGS developers. The idea behinds them is that of sharing characters and settings to create a world that seems more alive than others. A character you meet in one game as an NPC may very well go on a quest him/herself in another chapter, and vice versa. These games are very short, and offer perhaps an hour or less of gameplay. But it's the continuity of the series, and the fact that new games should get released at a faster pace, that makes this series unique. Since the games are designed by different designers, they differ a bit in style from chapter to chapter. However, as they share the same backgrounds, characters and overall atmosphere, you'll feel at home in all RON games once you've played one.

RON 2½ tries to take off where RON2 ended. The Baron whose brother was murdered by the chicken in the last game, now vows revenge, and wants to bring the chicken to trial. Don't worry if this makes no sense to you at all... you really have to have played the second game in the series to understand the full plot. The '½' in the title also expresses well how I feel about this game. It was a bit too short, it only had one puzzle in it (which was rather confusing), and not enough text and plot to keep me interested. By all means do download and play this game if you are interested in the RON games. But if you were going to skip certain games in the series, then this one would probably be your best choice.

Music, apart from a very short Reality-on-the-Norm theme song, is all unoriginal MIDI stuff. Overall, the unique series gets a "Recommended!"

Reviewed by: Scid
Designer: Mike Doak
Developer: Freeware
Publisher: Freeware
Year: 2001
Software Copyright: Mike Doak
Theme: Humorous, Mystery
None that we know of
System Requirements: Windows XP
Where to get it:
Related Links: Official RON site
If you like this game, try: RON1: Lunchtime of The Damned, RON2: Vengeance of The Chicken, RON3: Soviet Union Strikes Again

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