The best naval simulation ever made, period. Based on Larry Bond's realistic tabletop wargame of the same name, Harpoon not only is faithful to Bond's game but adds many great features only possible on PC: a comprehensive unit database, an intuitive mouse-based interface, and outstanding scenarios, both historical and hypothetical. The level of detail, complexity, and nuances is staggering -- you will discover new gameplay subtleties every time you replay the game, for years to come. Not to mention learning a thing or two about classified information . The steep learning curve may be the only fault here -- but hey, it IS a hardcore naval simulation :) Two thumbs up! Note: Harpoon 3 is finished, as well as Harpoon Classic 2002 Gold Edition, the most current and up-to-date version of Harpoon Classic (also reviewed on this site). Reviewed by: Underdogs  |