
Creepers Puzzle Lemmings variant
| Rating: 7.05 (57 votes) | |  |
At first glance it would be easy to mistake Creepers for a Lemmings clone. Chunky, colourful graphics, toe-tapping music, levels dotted with pistons, flaming torches and obstacles for a six-pixel protagonist. Fortunately, Destiny SP have created a game which is original, interesting and versatile - probably owing more to Sierra's Incredible Machine than to the Lemmings saga. Your job is to assist a group of caterpillars as they make their ponderous way towards a hatching pot. To do this, you use a quantity of tool points to build ramps, walls, fans, trampolines and other handy items. If you are successful, your wards will emerge as butterflies. The interface is a simple mouse-driven affair, but suffers from a lack of refinement, something which a little more playtesting would have rectified. The caterpillars are suitably 'cute' (cue the 'awww' factor from passing relatives), but dont be fooled by their appearance. In later levels on the higher settings their looks won't save them, and unless you're a) a genius or b) omnipotent, neither will you. But if you fancy a challenge and you're not scared of bugs, Creepers will provide you with hours of entertainment.Reviewed by: Darkcraft |  |
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