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Game #5013
Hall of Belated Fame Inductee  Kana: Little Sister    View all Top Dogs in this genreCollection: Indie Underdogs
Adventure   Multimedia novel

Rating: 8.85 (141 votes)

Kana: Little Sister box cover

Kana: Little Sister screenshot
When I considered getting this title, I had to rely on other's great opinions. This title is being sold as adult bishojo, and the websites (and box art) seem to emphasize the adult aspects and very little about the story itself.

In truth, Kana - Little Sister is one of those great inspirational stories that comes along once in a very long time.

You start out in the role of Taka, an ordinary person whose sister, Kana, spends most of her time in the hospital. She was born with birth defects, so cannot really leave the hospital for any long time. From his early childhood up to his adulthood, you follow Taka through his life, which continues to be entwined with his ailing sister. As time moves on in the story, you are given choices as to how you lead Taka's life. These choices affect how the ending will come out. It's more of a choose-your-own-adventure title in that regard and not a "dating sim" like other bishojo games -- make a choice, and move on with the story in a new way.

The story is one of the most powerful stories I have ever read, a wonderful tale of the bonds we share with our family and friends throughout life. As you watch Taka grow up, you really feel like you are there in his life. The many people you visit will draw you more into the story, and your decisions with them will affect not only your personality during the story, but the personality of your sister and the reactions from your friends. I've read many books, and worked through many IF and adventure titles, but none of those can ever hope to match this great title.

Being a bishojo title, there are some sex scenes. However, like another "lite" bishoujo title, Season of the Sakura, the sexual situations are a part of the story and do not dominate the story like in so many other adult titles.

The control scheme is very simple. To move through lines faster, you use the left mouse button. The mouse wheel allows you to go back and forth through the parts of the story you have already seen, allowing you to go back and read anything you might have passed by. The right mouse button pauses the game, removes the text and allows you to see the CG scene currently displayed.

Excellent Japanese artwork throughout and many occasional sound effects (doors opening and closing, a bicycle being ridden, crowds that react to your character, and more) only add to the experience. Extras are also available, such as profiles that introduce the characters of the story, a CG gallery where you can view any image in the game, and a music player to listen to the CD music tracks.

If you want a great, misrepresented multiple-choice adventure title that will really move you, this one is perhaps the best one I've seen... well, ever.

Reviewed by: Glory Questor
Designer: Unknown
Developer: Digital Objet (D.O.)
Publisher: G-Collections
Year: 1999
Software Copyright: Digital Objet (D.O.)
Theme: Anime
None that we know of
System Requirements: Windows XP
Where to get it:   from Himeya Store
Related Links:  
If you like this game, try: Seasons of Sakura, Eve Burst Error, Princess Maker 2

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