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Game #3529
Hall of Belated Fame Inductee  Outwars    View all Top Dogs in this genre
Action   FPS

Rating: 8.83 (155 votes)

Outwars box cover

Outwars screenshot
Outwars is a fun, innovative 3D shooter/strategy hybrid from SingleTrac that feels like Looking Glass' Terra Nova: Strike Force Centauri, except with a more stereotypical plot (think Starship Troopers) and "canned" NPCs but adding plenty of fun multiplayer options. You play an elite futuristic Marine protecting the universe from vicious hordes of aliens.

The game has a lot of details and accurate physics so it's better described as a "combat simulation" (like Mechwarrior 2) than a "3D shooter" like Quake. The game is based on missions. To advance, you need to complete each mission in sequence. You start the game by going through a few training missions, with the final session turning into an impromptu encounter. Your suit comes equipped with a standard assault rifle (low power but infinite ammo) and another, more powerful weapon with finite ammo – like a flame-thrower, or a more powerful blaster. Bomb charges are available for destroying larger mission objectives, and grenades and rockets abound for when the little guns won't quite do the trick. A lot of fun in the game involves taking advantage or your jetpack, which allows you to spend a lot of time in the air if used correctly in short bursts. This gives you the ability to maneuver and to cross various different types of terrain easily. Hang time is maximized when you obtain the glider wings.

Controlling your marine is the hardest part in Outwars. It takes a lot of practice to maneuver and use the jetpack effectively, a feat crucial in the most difficult missions. The game is much more difficult than your average FPS game, but fortunately you can spend a lot of time practicing during the training missions (and restore them to replay later), and the variety and addictive gameplay will keep you trying until you "get it right". If you enjoy Terra Nova, you'll most likely enjoy this underdog that isn't quite as good, but comes close to that classic. Highly recommended.

Reviewed by: Underdogs
Designer: Unknown
Developer: SingleTrac
Publisher: Microsoft
Year: 1998
Software Copyright: SingleTrac
Theme: Science Fiction
System Requirements: Windows XP
Where to get it:
Related Links: Official site
If you like this game, try: Terra Nova: Strike Force Centauri, MDK, Lander

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