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Game #2076
Hall of Belated Fame Inductee  Magic Carpet Plus    View all Top Dogs in this genre
Action   3D action

Rating: 8.89 (579 votes)

Magic Carpet Plus box cover

Magic Carpet Plus screenshot
One of the most original games ever made, Bullfrog's Magic Carpet is a classic action/strategy hybrid that remains eminently playable years after its release. Magic Carpet Plus is a re-release of the game that contains both the original Magic Carpet and Hidden Worlds with its dozens of new levels and spells.

The game's originality shines through right from when you first learn of the plot. An evil wizard harnessed all his powers to shatter the (very Arabian Nights-inspired) world, thus distributing the land's supply of mana to the beasts, turning them into powerful, menacing monsters. The burden falls on you, an apprentice wizard, to establish equilibrium in these shattered worlds by collecting mana, whether off the monsters, competing wizards, or just scattered about. You must keep a constant stock to be able to cast powerful spells. You beat each level (i.e. island) by destroying the castles of the enemy wizards.

What makes Magic Carpet a blast to play is the great gameplay dynamics, combined with jaw-dropping 3D graphics that were well ahead of its time. You will build up a repertoire of powerful spells, up to around thirty, and each level typically contains at least one new spell you can discover. Enemy wizards learn from your strategies, and will even battle amongst themselves when you are too weak, too strong, or too far away. As Brent Sampson observes in his comprehensive Games Domain review: "gameplay is a balance of offense and defense, where actual strategy is required to be successful. All too often, for example, your success depends upon choices made in the heat of battle. Should you protect your castle (which stores your mana) from an attacking wizard, or should you venture out to gather more mana so your castle (and you) will be stronger? Or is the best defense offense; should you attack the wizard's castle to draw him away from attacking yours? What is successful at one point in the game might not necessarily be successful the second time. And this is the aspect of Magic Carpet that makes it so thrilling."

Aside from extremely addictive gameplay that perfectly combines action and strategy, Magic Carpet also deserves mention as the very first PC game to effectively represent dramatic terrain changes in real time – and this is but one of the game's strong points. For example, you can watch as a volcano magically rises out of the terrain in front of you, in real-time, and stays there for the duration of the game. Or cast an earthquake spell to split an entire island in two, and then fly through your newly created canyon. The possibilities, it seems, are almost endless.

The only complaint I can think of about this classic is the fact that you can quickly bump into the many hidden "monster triggers" that call forth dozens of nasty beasts. When that happens, it's almost impossible to win, as you'll be busy fighting both the monsters AND enemy wizards. Some of the game's extra features don't work very well – the 3D mode (meant for use with 3D glasses included in the game box), and stereogram mode are nearly unplayable. Regardless, sheer ingenuity and addictiveness more than outweigh these points. With fifty islands and at least that many more in the Hidden Worlds add-on, Magic Carpet Plus will keep you up nights for months to come. Highly recommended!

Reviewed by: Underdogs
Designer: Peter Molyneux
Developer: Bullfrog
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Year: 1995
Software Copyright: Bullfrog
Theme: Unique
System Requirements: DOS
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If you like this game, try: Magic Carpet 2, Shadowcaster, Populous II

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