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Quarterly update (Q4 2023)

For those of you watching this space, this quarter's update has been cancelled. Check back on March 1st next year.

- LotBlind


I was trying to find some suitable image of an underdog in the wild to capture the essence of what this site is about, but then it occurred to me that... aren't all the Top Dogs, by definition... not under-dogs?

No time for existential crises now! The multiverse be damned, this boat shall remain un-rocked today, on the TWENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY of Home of the Under-and-sometimes-over-dogs, the one you've known for all these years! *cracks knuckles* *goes "whoosh whoosh whoosh"* *does a cartwheel* Yeah I don't know how people celebrate these things! Too danged introverted and weird.

Rest assured, the party spirits will soar like a soar thumb from the real payload of this very special banquet of digital delight. May I bring to your attention... two very tasty morsels indeed... and almost solely the work of one of our latter-day staff additions, an individual having assumed the mantel of HotU's resident chronicler, Tim.al. These dishes are actually served so cold (you know, like if something is "cool" but even cooler than that) they deserve their very own paragraphs.

Here'ssssss number one *intense drum roll*: a completely rewritten site FAQ!

Here'ssssssssss number two *drum roll, even more intense, like a lit fuse on a stick of sticky dyn-o-mite*: a completely rewritten site historique!

The latter, especially, took Tim a massive amount of sleuthing and piecing things together. If now's not the time to catch up on the story so far, then when. When, Sally, when?

Here's to another 25! <3 *chi-chink*

Quarterly update (Q3 2023)

Okie-dokes! I thought I might wanna rub it in your pretty little faces a little that I (LotBlind) have figured out I'm trans and would not oppose, whatsoever, if I was to be referenced as "she" from now on out. What I mean by that is the whip you see me holding in my snap-happy hand is not... my most... serrated.

But past that, there's a game here nonetheless. And none the lesser than sheerly excellent! It's high time we induct one from our bro, Michael Brough. High... time. He's the kinda guy who transcends niche indieness into slightly less niche indieness. You may recognize him from the term "broughlike". These games b rough like, at least graphically. They're also distinctive for many other reasons. The one you get to know more about today is Corrypt, which is generally better left experienced for yourself. That's definitely not a bail-out for the author of the update not to have to think of something clever to add to the already plenty-o-clever review itself. Which I just linked. Stop acting dumb, you know what to do.

Quarterly update (Q2 2023)

Another fierce blow is dealt today to the oppression of the daylight-soaking iceberg summit of video games as we lavish late lauding upon another impressive solo effort. It's almost like the ranks of underling games aren't thinning out at all? The indie one-man labor in question is Azimuth, a game entrenched on planet metroidvania but with a twist of cave flying! This one was a blast, and HAD a lot of blast... doors, but also more than adequate weaponry to crack them open, each and every last one of 'em! Don't be a stranger!

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