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  1. 1869


  • Saving the Game

    Joan O Arc 
    Tech Goddess
    Sat Mar 16, 2002 7:56 pm


    Saving in 1869 is a little mysterious because of the way the game options screen is setup. When you hear how to do it you'll want to kick yourself. But don't. You're not the first to ask this, and it took me awhile to figure this out.. and yet it's so simple!

    When you click on the log book in the lower right of the screen, the Game Options come up. Move your mouse over to that empty center "stone" between "Load" and "Save" and click there. You'll see a cursor come up. Type in the name you want to give the saved game and then click Save.

    You should see the saved game appear in the large stone; and when you want to load it back up, just click on the game name and then "Load."


Last Update: Monday, June 2, 2003. 0:00 GMT+1(193)

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And may the Force be with you...